“Amore mio”

Egregio Direttore di questo prestigiosissimo Giornale, La prego voler pubblicare questa mia: 

Mia dolce e soave dea della fertilita’,

Appearances can sometimes be as deceiving as the communist ideology … Conquering your heart has been the greatest achievement of my life so far and it will remain so forever. What would I be without your love, mia rugiada del mattino?

Believing that any communist led conspiracy could take us away from each other is simply foolish. Ill intentioned paparazzi have tried to do so on numerous times … ma che cazzo vogliono! No one knows better than you how irreplaceable you are to me. Still, mia puledra selvaggia, I feel the need to publicly beg for your forgiveness since the rumor came to my ears that my behavior, during my professional activities, may have hurt your feelings and dignity. Be sure that I’ll show you all my love, starting on tonight.

Tuo desideroso Silvio

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